Category Archives: Olympic

Treasure In Your Attic

I have said it before, and I am saying it again.

Always keep your eyes open. You never know what you will find.

I just sat down for a relaxing evening tonight, when I received an email with a photograph attached.

The photograph was found in an attic. It is about 110 years old. A unknown photograph of the RMS Olympic. In the photograph the ship is passing the Isle of Wight. The previous photographs I have seen of Titanic & Olympic passing the Isle of Wight are taken from the Isle of Wight. But this one is taken from the mainland with the Isle of Wight in the background.

I wrote back telling the gentleman what he had and how to properly preserve it.

My point is, always keep your eyes open. If you don’t know what you have, ask someone who does.

This is a never seen photograph. Taken of a well photographed ship, from an unusual view point. It certainly made my day to see it and to tell the owner what he had.

You never know, you might be next. Have a good year everyone, and thank you for your patronage.

(And thank you Bob!)


Filed under history, Olympic, ships

Back To Titanic

In the last two years I have made three new posts on Titanic.

One was sharing a paper Titanic model made by the husband of a fellow writer. The second was some new Titanic news (yes I know, a little unbelievable but it was). And the third was an article on newlyweds on the Titanic. I made the decision a long time ago to stop writing about Titanic, there are too many projects in my in-box (including articles on other ships). But my staff and some of the readers have been asking me for another Titanic and Olympic article.

So, on 13 April 2014, we will publish another article in the “Titanic and Olympic: How to tell them apart in photographs” series.

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Filed under history, New, Olympic, ships, Titanic