Monthly Archives: October 2015

Something to Think About

I had a post already written for today, but I am going to use it latter. Today I want to give you something from George Carlin. (just follow the link)

Yes, he was a comedian, a great comedian at that. Also, I have already read this before. But, I saw it this weekend and reread it. I want you to read it and think about it. Do any of these apply to you? What can you do to change that. You know – you really should too.


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The Most Expensive Gift You Can Give.

The Most Expensive Gift You Can Give.

You might think it is a little early for me to talk about gifts, but many stores were already decorating for Christmas before October was even here.

So, if you would like to give that special someone the most precious gift you can, here it is.

Give them you. No, I am not talking about proposing marriage (but you can do that if you want). I am talking about giving them your time – undivided, completely, and totally – with your mouth closed.

The next time someone talks to you, stop what you are doing and then turn towards them with your body and look at their face. Listen to their words, not so you can think of what you will say in response. Listen to them so you can hear them and understand them. Watch their facial expressions and how they communicate with their hands and their body. Do not respond, just listen. Try to understand what they are saying as if you WERE them.

Those seconds or minutes, that is the most precious gift. Your time, once it is gone, it is gone forever. Each second of your life is precious and can never be retrieved, so spend it wisely.

If you want to give someone the most expensive gift you can? Listen to them completely and totally, with no thought to what you will say, but with all your thoughts used to comprehend what they are saying.

That is the most precious gift you can give to anyone.



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October 2015

I am going to make this short. Nothing I can say will do justice to this cause.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

I believe this is one cancer we are very close to curing. All of us have lost friends and family members or know people who have lost friends and family members to this disease. I also know survivors. This is a disease that will continue to touch us all until we defeat it.

So, please ~ do what you can to help us defeat breast cancer this month (and every month).


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