What do you think sank the USS Scorpion ?

I have always felt that the families and friends of the men of the USS Scorpion have a right to know what happened to their loved ones. As a submarine veteran, I have always wanted to know what happened to my shipmates (all submariners are shipmates and any submariner will tell you this). I want to know so that we can make sure it never happens again.  I have started my research into what sank the USS Scorpion. I do not know how long this will take, Titanic took more than 20 years. I would  to take a poll as I begin my research, thank you.


Filed under New, ships, USS Scorpion

3 responses to “What do you think sank the USS Scorpion ?

  1. J. G. Burdette

    I don’t know anything about the Scorpion. My library has a book by this title: All hands down : the true story of the Soviet attack on the USS Scorpion

    Do you know if it’s any good?


    • Ed brings out alot of information. But I feel he jumps to conclussions too soon. Some of his conclussions ignore the fact that there may also be other explanations for some of his evidence. I do think it is a good book to read though.
